maybe momma does the astro...
liebe steinböcke und -ziegen, die ihr noch kein eierfon oder brombeer-handy habt: es ist höchste zeit! sonst wird euch laut susan miller die romantischste nachricht des jahres entgehen, und wer will den sternen schon seinen gehorsam verweigern, wenn sie so ausdrücklich auf diesen medien bestehen?
One of your happiest days of the month, aside from the full moon period near April 22, will be April 28. A fantastic message you receive, possibly on your iPhone or BlackBerry, will keep your spirits buoyed. This would be a truly romantic day! Text messages that may fly back and forth will be ones that you'll never delete but rather keep and read over many times while you're alone. If you are attached, you'll not lose out - Mercury's nearly simultaneous beam to Mars will ensure your partner will have your interests front and center. While the month may have started out rocky, it surely ends on a perfect note. Sweet!wer's nicht glaubt: hier gucken.
saoirse - 16. Apr, 22:51
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